Learn To Play the Violin: Level 2, Mondays, October 7-November 25, 5:30-7:00 p.m.
This fun, fast paced, interactive class will begin with a short review of Level I, and apply fundamentals, theory, and technique into various genres deeper. Great way to play together for the Beg/Low Int, Low Int, and Int levels as students partner with one another, and play different parts of a song as a class. Intended for ages 9 – 99 with a 1.5-hour attention span. Because we keep moving along, there really is no time to get bored. Potential opportunities to perform for those that continue through the winter months. Perhaps at Christmas programs or community winter events. This is not mandatory, nor is it set in stone yet. Variables apply to make the decision as the Violin Class grows. We would love to have you join us! Donna Spicer, $140 ($164)
Level II includes the following: Music Theory, Technique, Read-Music, Play by Ear, Scales, All Notes in Firsthand Position, Intro to Vibrato, Classical, Theatrical, Contemporary, Jazz, Celtic/Irish/Folklore Duets, Trios, & Solos.