Cultivating an arts-rich community
The mission of the Adams County Arts Council (ACAC) is to cultivate an arts-rich community. Our core values are creativity, community, and connection with a focus on the future. Practicing, participating, and appreciating the arts are key means to understanding, supporting and celebrating the human experience, improving the quality of life for all who engage.
Through scholarships, classes in fine and performing arts, the STAR Grant Program, and partnerships with more than 30 education, arts, policy-making, health and social service organizations, ACAC provides high-quality arts opportunities in areas that are typically underserved in the arts. Programs address community needs including economic development and personal wellness, with an emphasis on outreach to at-risk populations throughout Adams County. Our role in the community is an integral part of its positive social, cultural, and economic evolution.
ACAC uses creativity throughout the region to develop and strengthen connections with residents, local businesses, policy-makers, and tourists. Our educational programs, community events, and fundraising events ensure that our community can discover the arts tangibly in daily life, making the Adams County Arts Council a must-see arts destination in the region.
- Incorporated in 1993, the Adams County Arts Council has evolved from a small group of optimistic organizers into a nonprofit arts organization, with a membership of more than 400, and a mission to cultivate an arts-rich community.
- In 2011, through a tremendous outpouring of community support, ACAC completed a 1.8 million project and opened its new Arts Education Center. The 10,000 sq. ft. center includes inviting spaces for arts and culinary classes, artist studios, a gallery for local art, pottery and glass workshop, and reception hall with full kitchen for community/private events. The facility breaks down barriers of cost with scholarships for low-income youth and senior citizens.
- ACAC programs typically reach an audience of 20,000 people each year.
- The Adams County Commissioners designated ACAC as the county’s official arts in education provider in 2004.
- ACAC is an active and well respected community partner that works with more than 30 schools, nonprofit organizations, social service agencies, and local governments who help ACAC broaden its reach into the county.
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Meet the Staff

Lisa Cadigan

Wendy Heiges

Becca Riley

Kylie Stone

Susan Henry

Lori McCullough

Brittinay Smith