STAR Grant Program
(Serving The Arts Regionally)
Adams County Arts Council (ACAC) is proud to offer the STAR Grant Program. We thank the Adams County Commissioners, the Robert C. Hoffman Charitable Endowment Trust, and the Borough of Gettysburg for their generous support of this program, which would not exist without their understanding of the value of the arts in our community.
The STAR Grant Program was created as a result of a 1994-95 community assessment that determined the need to fund quality arts programs in schools and the community. Since then, the STAR Grant Program has been helping schools and artists working to make this an arts-rich community.
Since 1998, the STAR Grant Program has awarded more than $291,000 and has served more than 291,900 people with a wealth of arts programs.
ACAC administers the STAR Grant Program. Our role is to make applications available to Adams County non-profits, schools, and artists; collect grant applications; identify and recruit community members to serve as panelists to read and rank grants according to application specifications; send award letters and contracts; mail checks to successful applicants; collect final project reports; and report to our funders.
Questions about the grant process should be directed to Kylie Stone at 717-334-5006 or [email protected]