Tapestry Weaving on a Simple Frame Loom
Wednesdays, April 23-May 14, 5:30-8:30 pm
Discover the basic techniques and vocabulary of tapestry weaving using your own portable frame loom that you will make in class. Yarns in a variety of colors, weights and fiber content will be available for you to explore while creating a woven sampler with a variety of techniques demonstrated and learned.
**this is a pre-requisite class for the intermediate class later this year**
Instructor Will Supply the Following: Loom Parts, Brads, Variety of Colorful Yarns, Warp Thread, Needles, Dowels, Masking Tape, Handouts.
Students Will Need to Bring: Sharp Scissors, Pencil, 12” Ruler or Tape Measure, Light-weight Hammer, Pen/Paper; Old Bath Towel (the towels lessen the noise made from students hammering brads into wood when making their frames); Optional: any yarns they would like to incorporate into their weavings.
Joh Ricci, $160 ($176)